Saturday, February 23, 2013

God-Sized Dreaming

Dear Girls, 

I am reading a book about Dreams, but not just any dreams. This book is all about the God-Sized Dreams of our hearts. The book is, "You're Made for a God-Sized Dream" by Holley Gerth. I'd like to share with you all what I've learned so far, having read only 1 chapter!

What did you dream when you were little? I'll share with you some of my little kid dreams.




Those were my dreams, but somewhere along my journey the paper crowns came off, I stopped winding my ballerina music box, and the thought of being a professional creator of yummies became all too "silly." I thought about a career as a fairy too; however, that became a problem when I realized no matter how long and hard I prayed my Creator wasn't giving me wings.

In fact, He gave me two legs, two arms, and all the rest of me to do something quite different than fly around granting wishes. 

So, where did that leave me? About 12 years old, and I had a better idea! "I'll be an actress and a singer. That way I can be any of those things whenever I want to!" A storyteller. I loved stories, and Jesus did too. Perfect plan.

Time went on, I changed, I grew, and those dreams were called "stupid," "unrealistic," "childish." They didn't know it, but when people talked about careers I listened hard to hear what they said about mine. Few people told me to my face that it wouldn't work out. That I didn't have the talent. That I should choose a different path. But the few who did stuck in my head. Sometimes people just wanted to help me, to direct my God-Sized Dreams in a better direction. But sometimes people spoke out of turn, and I heard lies.

Suddenly innocent dreams of being an actress and a singer seemed impossible, and the very word, DREAM seemed about as silly as praying for fairy wings when I was 5.

Holley addresses this in her book:

The lies don't ever go away. Every step of your dream, they will chase you. It doesn't mean that you're not spiritual enough or you're on the wrong path. It just means that "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms" (Eph. 6:12) You are in a battle-expect opposition.

Now, we have more than just spiritual opposition, some of us are also young. For some reason a number of people believe you need experience before you live boldly for the truth, and God tells us just what we need to know about that:

Do not let others look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, and in purity. 1 Timothy 4:12

A longing fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12

To act, to sing, to dance, to tell a fulfill a longing, a God-Sized Dream, was a good thing. A God-given thing. But I didn't know it yet.

At 16, I began making big decisions that would "change my life forever," or so I thought. 

God doesn't depend on us to make all the right decisions, or go through all the right doors. He knows we are human, and we will mess up. But He has promised us:

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13

For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord; plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

Dreams are from Him. Chasing those dreams draws us closer to our Heavenly Father, and you living your dream is just as important as claiming to be His child. A child of God gets all the benefits of having the Creator of the Universe as her Father, and one of those benefits is pursuing the longing He put in your heart.

I am living proof that God fulfills dreams, God-Sized Dreams, and I am excited to go through this book with you all! Holley goes on to discuss why dreams are worth it, overcoming lies and fears, and many other wonderful truths we will cover together! 

You can check out Holley's book and buy it here.

So, tell me! What is your God-Sized Dream? (leave your answer in the comment box below)